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Customer Management ▼
Instantly access a customer’s full profile and history with instant search. Edit individual orders and recurring items, review payment histories, issue credits/adjustments, set vacation dates, view balance, and a plethora of other customer-centric functions.
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Order Management ▼
Easily establish one-time orders this week and in the future, add recurring items at a frequency such as every week or bi-weekly or monthly, clear entire orders or set skip delivery dates, modify orders, override pricing and so much more…
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Billing Management ▼
We tie in with most of the major gateway providers such as Authorize.net, Stripe, and others. You can bill through our system whenever you’d like – before delivery, after delivery, after cut-off time, once a week on Fridays – it’s up to you!
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Route Management ▼
Create as many routes as you’d like, draw shapes on a map and let our system automatically assign customers to routes. Visualize your route stops, suggest the best route, drag & drop, position by distance – it’s up to you!
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Product Management ▼
Each product has a myriad of settings to help you control behavior – from “recurring only” to pre-order products like turkeys for Thanksgiving, you can be sure we have a product setting for your particular need. Easily modify en masse from the admin, or export and work within spreadsheets to be re-imported.
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Inventory Management ▼
Inventory goes up/down automatically based on customer ordering actions – easily update inventory levels through backend admin reporting or import/export of spreadsheets. Easily create purchase orders for suppliers, based on existing data and inventory on hand.
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Communication Management ▼
Over 30 different types of automatic email communications based on customer actions – delivery reminders, cut-off time reminders, followups after X delivery, birthday alerts, etc. Easily send out general news at your leisure to the entire customer base or specific sub-set.
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Reporting & Data Management ▼
Robust dashboard reporting mechanisms, friendly graphs with intelligent data, multi-purpose reporting tools that allow for communication with result-set, and advanced searching features.
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Look Like a Professional ▼
Our front end e-commerce sites are absolutely gorgeous and were designed for mobile first. That means your customers will feel good about using your service and are more likely to share it with their friends!
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Amazing Support ▼
We provide old-school support – meaning we can actually talk on the phone, and that we take the time to walk you through our software, setup, and best methodologies so you can be successful for many years to come…